Whole House Water Filters & Salt Free Water Softeners

How Select the Correct Whole House Water Filtration System:

STEP 1: All the products on our website that are designated “Wide Spectrum” are designed for use with water that has been treated with Chlorine. All products on our website listed as “Chloramine Wide Spectrum” are designed for use with water that has been treated with Chloramine. Determining if your water is treated with chlorine or chloramine is the first step.

STEP 2: Determine if your water is considered to have “High Total Hardness” (above 8 grains of Total Hardness or 137ppm of Total Hardness). GoGreen’s Wide Spectrum & Chloramine Wide Spectrum Model Whole House Filters are capable of conditioning hardness up to 8 grains. If your water contains “High Hardness” we recommend adding a Salt Free Water Softening for High Hardness tank to your system.

Left unconditioned, high hardness can cause damage by building up scale in the plumbing & appliances throughout your home. Our revolutionary Salt-Free Softening Technology conditions hardness minerals to prevent scale while allowing the beneficial hardness minerals to remain in the water.

STEP 3: GoGreen’s Whole House Systems are divided into 3 sizes based of the number of bathrooms in your home. The number of bathrooms is a great indicator for GoGreen to determine the potential max gpm (gallons per minute) demand the system should be sized to handle.

Don’t know if you have Chloramine, Fluoride, High Hardness, etc….? If you provide your zip code, We’ll check and see what your Municipal Water Treatment Facility is reporting. 

Alternatively, if you prefer to research yourself, visit the website of your Municipal Water Provider and review their Annual Water Quality Report (also called Consumer Confidence Report in some cases). If you can’t find the information regarding whether Chlorine or Chloramine is added to the water as a disinfectant or the levels of total hardness, you may wish to call them to confirm. Of course, we’d be happy to do this for you as as well, simply provide us your zip code and we’ll do the rest!

GoGreen’s Whole House Water Filtration Systems:

Chlorine vs. Chloramine

What’s the difference and why are the products specific for each one? The answer lies in the difference between the two chemicals. Only about 15-20% of water in the United States is treated with Chloramine. Chlorine is and has been the standard sanitizer for all municipal water treatment systems since the 1920s. In more recent times, however, chloramines have begun to see more frequent usage. Chloramines are a combination of chlorine AND ammonia and, as such, require different filtration for removal or reduction.

Don’t know if you have Chloramine, Fluoride, High Hardness, etc….? If you provide your zip code, We’ll check and see what your Municipal Water Treatment Facility is reporting. 

The filter that came with your system requires replacement every 6 months depending on municipal or well water conditions the life of the filter could be less.  When you a new filter we have them.

Whole House Pre Sediment Filters order here.

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